Your Data

You must be at least 18 years old to enjoy the BenefitCard Premium. Please ensure that the information you provide below is accurate and matches that on your ID.

. . Please select your birthday. Please select your birthday. Please select your birthday.
Please fill in these fields with your street name and house number. Please fill in these fields with your street name and house number.
Please fill in this field with your zip code or city name. Please fill in this field with your zip code or city name.


After completing this page we will send you a verification SMS text message. Your mobile phone number is also your user name for logging in.


Please select your country code and then enter your mobile phone number.

Please select your country code and enter the mobile phone number. Please select your country code and enter the mobile phone number.
Please confirm your country code and mobile phone number. Please confirm your country code and mobile phone number.

Please enter a valid e-mail address, as this will also be used to reset your password.

Card serial number


Please provide a valid card serial number (the 16 digit number printed on the back of your card below the barcode).

Terms and Conditions

I am a Politically Exposed Person.
I accept to receive special offers, promotions and any other marketing material.

We are here to help!

Free call: 0800 88 00 118

This service telephone number is free of charge.

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The use of SSL technology (Secure Sockets Layer) provides here for the reliable protection of all your data stored on our web site, personal information.

This website is owned and operated by Novum Bank. Novum Bank Limited registered office is situated at Novum Bank, The Emporium, C De Brocktorff Street, Msida MSD 1421, Malta. Novum Bank is Authorised and Regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) as a credit institution and E-Money issuer. Company registration No.C 46997. © 2020 Novum Bank Limited. All rights reserved.